Online Research Publication Course For Researchers Part -1

  • 22 November 2022
  • online

Getting your research published is one of the most important milestones in a researcher’s life. However, ensuring your work is good enough to be accepted by a top international journal can be a daunting task for most researchers, even more so when you are just starting out.

This well-rounded course is designed for early career researchers and acts as a life jacket for those plunging into the world of academic publishing. It provides a simple yet detailed overview about the journal publication workflow process, including the many stages involved in getting your work published in a hassle-free manner. Learn about the dos and don’ts at every stage, understand the parameters of publishing, and know how to successfully navigate this stressful process in this in-depth program.


4:00 pm - 3:45 pm Online

importance of academic publishing

The importance of academic publishing
Kazi Faisal Alam Kazi Faisal Alam


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Mr. Murad Hasan

Prof. Dr. Monowar Mahmud

Kazi Faisal Alam

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  • Time : 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm (UTC+6)
  • Registration Deadline : 21 November 2022